Q: "Welcome to MyEnergy" is displaying
A: This means you are no longer active in an organization. The system recognizes that your email was tied to an account at some point but since it can not connect you to the account it shows "welcome to MyEnergy". To correct this, reach out to your admins so they can re-add you to the organization.
Q: I'm getting this error "It looks like the utility rate schedule for this project is not yet in our database. We're working hard to update our US utility rate database over the coming weeks. If there are utilities or rate schedules that you'd like to see added, please send us the rate sheets and we'll prioritize them. If you can't wait, you also have the option to click 'Create Rate' below, and add the rate schedule yourself."
A: This message means the selected tariff is most likely out of date. Please send the rate information to our team using the following form and they will update this for you.
Q: str has no attribute get
A: This error shows when there is missing information. The missing information can be from
- A manually created hardware component. If you manually created any, ensure all fields of the component are populated
- The selected tariff. Go to the energy tab and click on the name of the tariff. From the pop-out window, ensure all fields that do not say (optional) are filled out. If not, send the rate information to support to be added
- Ensure the quantity is correct for all the added components in the design.
Q: Index out of range.
A: This error is due to the selected tariff. It is missing some information. Please reach out to our support team so the tariff can be updated.
Q: System Advisor Model Error: SAM simulation error: exec fail(pvsamv1): CEC 6 parameter model: Could not solve for normalized coefficients.
A: This error is due to an incorrect specification within the module. Please send the module specifications to our support team and they will correct this.
Q: The sidebar/menu not opening on the design tool.
A: Please ensure you are using Google Chrome to avoid any issues. Select the design mode once again to ensure the system understands what design mode it is loading. If this still does not help, please contact our support team for assistance.
Q: Float and NoneType
A: This error typically shows when there is missing information on the project. This could be missing incentive information, missing adder information, missing pricing or missing values on the hardware among other. Please reach out to our support team so they can help you locate the missing information.
Q: 504 error
A: This error appears when the system is too large and the software is having difficulty computing the calculations. Please review this article to assist you in building larger systems in OpenSolar: https://support.opensolar.com/hc/en-us/articles/4689753994255-Designing-Commercial-Systems-on-OpenSolar
Q: Calculation error related to 'units'
A: Please select units from this field for both current and proposed rates. After saving the changes, go to Design > Recalculate > Save.
Q: design: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'
A: Normally this issue happens because there were invalid data within the components. Go to Control > Design and Hardware > Modules/Inverters/ Batteries/ Other components > Download. Remove this part in the column:
and re-upload the CSV file and this should remove the error.
Q: What does Internal Server Error mean?
A: There are multiple factors for this error. One example is if you have too many incentives or system options in the Design section that could lead to a breakdown in the Proposal section. Once you receive this error, it would be great to send an email to our support team and include the project ID no. for further investigation.
Q: How can I resolve NoneType error message?
A: Multiple factors are causing this error. This usually happens if there is missing information in your design like no quantity information in the components, no payment options added to a project, missing data in your pricing scheme, cost scheme, incentives, etc. Once you encounter this error, please send an email to OpenSolar support team including the project ID no.
Q: Why I was not able to generate the PDF? it shows "Document Generation Unsuccessful: Decoding to str: need a bytes-like object, float found.
A: This error message was resolved in May from our last release. If you still encounter this, please send us a screenshot so we can forward it to our technical team for further assistance.
Q: I received an error message stating "Unable to access envelope" when trying to sign a contract.
A: Once you receive this message, you will need to contact DocuSign directly to have an additional envelope on your account.
Q: Calculation error design "units"
A: This means the units field is missing information on the selected tariff. You can send our support team the rate information to update this data or you can go into the energy tab > select the tariff name and add the unit information. Please note that if this is the tariff you will be using often we advise for you to send us the rate information so you do not keep encountering this error.
Q: Insufficient funds.
A: This error shows when you do not have enough money in your wallet to purchase a premium imagery. To solve this, add funds to your wallet by:
- Going to the control zone
- Select the other section
- Select "your wallet"
- Click on "add funds manually"
- Enter the amount and the credit card information.
Q: Server communication error
A: This error is showing due to the number of system options in the project. We advise keeping only 3–4 system options per project.
Q: Calculation design:error: System Advisor Model Error, SAM Simulation error, exec fail, could not determine time step in weather file.
A: This issue usually happens when there is corruption with the weather file used for the project's location or there's no coverage. There are a few options to resolve this:
- Go to control Setback & Design Settings Template > Change the Weather Dataset to the other option (EnergyPlus/PVGIS vice versa). recalculate the project to see if the error was resolved.
- Try changing the project to PVWatts and recalculate
Q: why is a design from a different project displayed in another unrelated project
A: This happens when two projects were worked on side by side on the same browser. To prevent this, do not open two projects at the same time in your browser.
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