Q: Can another organization use our Nearmap?
A: At the moment integrations like Nearmap can not be shared through the teams functionality. You would have to add the credentials as you added them to your organization and you cna use the following article to assist you:
Australia: Upgrading an OpenSolar Account to a Nearmap on OpenSolar Account
USA: Upgrading from Nearmap on OpenSolar to OpenSolar with Nearmap
Q: How do I download all of the data from our leads list?
A: To download the customer's information, you can go to Project > Scroll Down > Click Download. We suggest limiting the download to 50 projects per download to avoid any errors.
Q: How do I create an account on OpenSolar?
A: You can create an account on OpenSolar by clicking on this link: Create an account.
Q: How to add an extended warranty?
A: To add an extended warranty it all depends on the end goal for the organization. If you are only looking to capture the pricing of the extended warranty then you can add this as an adder and add this to the project as needed and you can find more information about creating the adders here: https://support.opensolar.com/hc/en-us/articles/4416757946393-Adders-Library.
If you. are looking for the system to take into consideration the extra warranty years then you want to go into the control > design and hardware and select the module, inverter, or battery window. From there, use the duplication button to duplicate the component. Once duplicated, edit the component and select the "customize specifications" button. This button will give you access to modify the information for the component. I would advise for the. name to. be changed. I would suggest using "name of component - extended warranty". This option will also give you the ability to modify the warranty field to include the extended warranty value.
Q: How do I delete custom fields for COGS?
A: To delete custom fields for COGS, you can go to Control > Comapny > Business Process > Custom Fields > Delete the customer fields for COGS.
Q: How do I delete my account?
A: To delete your account please contact our support team here and they will be able to assist you.
Q: Can I create sub-organizations that have proposal templates that are specific to them?
A: Unfortunately, this is not possible however, what you can do is create another org and then connect them to your main org by activating the Teams feature in your accounts for you to copy all the settings, templates, and hardwares from your main org to your sub-org. Then you can create a specific proposal applicable to your sub-org as well. Once your sub-org has ben created, you can send us an email requesting the activation of the Teams feature. Once activated, you can visit this help center article for your reference https://support.opensolar.com/hc/en-us/articles/7870010494095-Teams-on-OpenSolar.
Q: How do I create an account on OpenSolar?
A: You can use this link to create an account in OpenSolar https://app.opensolar.com/#/register.
Q: When selecting a discount can you have a logo popup on the proposal template?
A: Unfortunately, this is not possible for OpenSolar. The only way to add a logo to the proposal template is by going to Control > Purchase Experience > Proposal Template > Edit your template > Cover Page Template > Upload the images that you want to include in the cover page image and co-branding logo section.
Q: Can I upload a DXF file into OpenSolar?
A: The only format that can be used to upload documents and images to OpenSolar are PDF, JPEG, and PNG.
Q: Is OpenSolar free to use for designing Single Line Diagrams (SLDs)?
A: Yes this is free. Once the project has been created SLD will automatically created which you can customize. You can visit this help center article about SLD which you might find helpful https://support.opensolar.com/hc/en-us/articles/5779676510607-Single-Line-Diagrams-SLDs-on-OpenSolar. Please note that there are countries where SLD is not available.
Q: How to change the list of active inverters?
A: To remove a component from your active list, you can go to Control > Design & Hardware > Choose what component type you want > Put a check mark on the specific component that you want to remove > Archive those components. To add a component to your active list, just click "+ From Database".
Q: How do I add a memo or note to the proposal?
A: You can add this by going to control zone > purchase experience > proposal template. From there go ahead and edit your template or create a new template. You can find more information about creating your template here.
Once in the editing page, click on Proposal Content,
From here you will see the three custom content blocks where you can add text, images, and placeholders.
Once you have entered the content, click on Proposal Settings, and ensure that the content blocks are toggled on.
You can also find more information about customizing with placeholders here.
Q: I have two OpenSolar accounts; how can I manage them effectively?
A: Teams is a feature that facilitates collaboration and data sharing among different organizations involved in solar projects. It allows you to connect with other accounts/businesses, share project data, and streamline your workflow. You can check more information HERE.
Q: How can I combine two OpenSolar accounts into one, as one of my companies is changing ownership?
A: Unfortunately, this is not yet possible. You can use our Teams feature to manage the 2 accounts. You can check more information HERE.
Q: Do I need to own a business to sign up for OpenSolar?
A: No, you don't need a business to sign up. You can create an account free of charge to test the software.
Q: How do I change the currency for the electricity in OpenSolar?
A: You change the currency of your account by going to Control > Company > Business Information > Change the correct country > Then the currency will automatically change depending on your location. This will apply to all currencies not just in the electricity section.
Q: Is it possible to run OpenSolar Software without internet access, similar to Google Drive?
A: Unfortunately, this is not possible since OpenSolar is highly reliant on a good internet connection.
Q: How do I update my system to the latest version of OpenSolar?
A: Mobile Device: You can uninstall and reinstall the mobile application to get the latest version. If you are using the software via your internet browser, you can try to log out > Clear your browser's cache > Log back in to make sure that your account connection is fully refreshed.
Q: How to add a component to your database?
A: To avoid having errors in the design section in adding a component to our database, you can send us the datasheet of the component and we will notify you once it is available to use.
Q: Can I have the help line phone number, please?
A: Unfortunately, we do not have a phone line for our support team. Please send us your concerns or inquiries to support@opensolar.com and our Global Support Team will assist you as soon as possible.
Q: How to change the default energy plan on our project?
A: To make a tariff as a default to your projects, you can go to Control > Other > Utility Tariffs > Search for your preferred Tariff > Import > Scroll down > Encode "100" in the popularity section.
Q: How to remove equipment from the active list?
A: You can archive a component by going to Control > Design & Hardware > Choose what type of component you want to archive > Edit the specific component > Scroll down then enable "Archive (Hide Component)".
Q: How can I add a custom satisfaction survey
A: You can add a customer satisfaction survey by going to control > other > document templates and adding your template there. Once this is added, you can generate the document in the info tab of the project > Document generation. You can find more information about creating more documents here:
Q: I am editing the proposal template, how to I preview it?
A: You can preview your template by going to the online proposal of any of your projects. Once there, expand the customize proposal tab on the left-hand side and select the proposal template. As a note, you can also edit the template within the online proposal to make it easier to see the changes in real-time as the online proposal will change any time you save the proposal edit window:
Q: I want to download all contacts
A: To download contacts, you can go to Project > Scroll down and click Download. We highly suggest limiting your download to 50 projects per batch to avoid having concerns.
Q: Do I need to own a business to use OpenSolar?
A: There is no need to have a business to use OpenSolar. You can use OpenSolar even if you just want to design a PV system in your own house.
Q: Is there a software that I can download when using OpenSolar in my computer?
A: You can only use OpenSolar through a web browser on a computer however, you can download an application when using a mobile phone.
Q: How can I sign up for OpenSolar?
A: You can use this link to create an account in OpenSolar. https://app.opensolar.com/#/register
Q: Can I set up a financial integration that is not integrated with OpenSolar
A: Yes, you can manually create your own loan. Please note that this will not allow your customer to automatically send the application through the OpenSolar platform but it will allow you to show the loan information to your customer. You can find more information about creating your own loan here: https://support.opensolar.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407118440473-How-to-set-up-a-LOAN-payment-option
Q: How do I delete a tariff?
A: If you created this tariff yourself, you can delete it by going to control > other > utility rates and using the trash button next to the rate name. If this tariff is currently assigned to a project, you will have to assign the project a different rate before you are able to delete it.
Q: Can I turn off email notifications?
A: You can turn this off by going to control > team > locate the team member and select edit. From the edit window go ahead and toggle off the "allow email notifications".
Q: I need to add a hardware that is not in the database.
A: To add hardware that is not in the database please send a ticket to our team and they will add this into the database for you. https://support.opensolar.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Q: How do I resend an invite to a new member?
A: You can do this by going to Control > Company > Team and using the resend button next to their name. If the resend button is no longer appearing you can ask the new Team Member to reset their password using this link: https://app.opensolar.com/#/password-reset
Q: What should I do if the invite link expires?
A: You can resend the invite. You can do this by going to Control > Company > Team and using the resend button next to their name.
Q: Does open solar include panel degradation
A: OpenSolar does include panel degradation. This is added into the specifications of the module and taken into account for yearly simulations.
Q: How do I activate ex exhibit for Tesla?
A: For partnership and exhibit requests, you can send an email to our partnership team through partnership@opensolar.com
A: How can I resend an invite email if the link has expired?
Q: For expired invitation links to add a person as a team member, you can resend it by going to Control > Company > Team > There should be a "Resend" option beside the team member who you invited if that person did not open the link.
For expired Proposals, you can go to Project > Online Proposal > Customize Proposal > Change the Valid Until date > Resend the proposal link again.
A: What are the best practices for integrating a CRM system like Salesforce with other application.
Q: Please checkout developers.opensolar.com if you have any API Support questions. Unfortunately due to the complexity of API support, we won’t be able to provide support related to API integrations. You can alternatively subscribe to OpenSolar’s Pro Service API Support package here to be able to access technical support on the API integration from the OpenSolar developers.
Q: Where is the information about the solar panels taken from?
A: All our panels are setup with the information pulled from the manufacturer's specifications. This setup can be seen by going to control > design and hardware > module and editing the module.
Q: can we set the battery option to DC connected as default?
A: Unfortunately it is not possible to do this right now.
Q: How much does Nearmap's Pay-Per-Project (PPP) cost in USA?
A: Unfortunately, we do not have the data for the pricing. We highly suggest communicating directly to Nearmap's support for this information.
Q: Is there a pdf manual for open solar?
A: We currently do not have a PDF manual for OpenSolar. You can always check this training site that we have: Training: New to OpenSolar
Q: How to download 3D design app? (Mobile App)
A: For iOS users, you can download it HERE. For Android users, you can download it HERE.
Q: What is OpenSolar support email address?
A: You can send your inquiries to Support@OpenSolar.com
Q: Can I add a backup generator?
A: If you are looking to add a component to your design and proposal, please see the datasheet to Support@OpenSolar.com
Q: What is a hybrid inverter?
A: It is a component that has both an inverter and battery inverter in a single unit. this allows the hybrid solar inverter to intelligently handle power coming from your solar panels, solar batteries, and the utility grid all at the same time.
Q: can I add new file templates to the handover pack
A: Hi there, you can definitely edit and customize your handover pack by going to control > other > document templates. From there select "add new document template" and in the prefill template section select handover pack. Once this is saved, the system will show you our handover pack template and you can make the needed adjustments to it.
Q: How do I add the customer state and post code to the cover page?
A: This can be done by going to control > purchase experience and proposal template. From there edit your template and under the cover page section, use the cover page message field to add this information. Go ahead and use our placeholder drop-down to locate the placeholders you want to add and make sure to save the window.
Q: What does NEM duration years mean in OpenSolar?
A: This only applies to certain areas in the world where the NEM or Net Energy Metering only last for X amount of years. This field is meant to state this when its needed.
Q: When should I select "no dealer fee charged" or "dealer fee charged" when adding adders?
A: Lenders charge a dealer fee on top of the items sold. If the adder you are creating should have a dealer fee charged, you want to select "dealer fee charged". If the item is a non-solar adder like a roof then most likely the correct option would be "no dealer fee charged"
Q: how to use non export modeling for battery savings?
A: To set non-export go into the control > summary tab > advance settings and see the export limit to 0.
Q: How do I delete a user?
A: You can delete a user by going to Control > Company > Team > Look for the user > On the right corner you will see the "Delete" button.
Q: Do I need to download this software?
A: You can access OpenSolar using your browser. However, you can also download the OpenSolar app if you want to access the software using your mobile device.
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