When you apply a CashFlow payment option to a system, it adopts the current CashFlow configuration associated with that payment option. This configuration includes payment settings including as milestone structures, surcharging preferences, and payment methods.
When those payment option configurations are changed (either a new configuration is attached to the payment option, or the existing one is updated in CashFlow Configurations), you can recalculate the project to apply the new configuration - as long as the configuration is not yet locked.
In this article, we’ll walk through the conditions for a CashFlow configuration lock, and explain how to apply a new configuration if needed.
What is a CashFlow configuration lock?
Four different project events can trigger a configuration lock:
- An invoice is sent (or payment page/invoice is accessed by the customer in the proposal)
- Contract date is populated on the project
- Sold system is indicated on the project
- Sold payment option is indicated on the project
Once a project has CashFlow configurations locked, we prevent that payment option from adopting any changes made to the configuration settings by locking the configs on the project level. If you edit the configuration at the org level, locked projects will not reflect those changes.
We do this to make sure that the expectations shared with the customer are never unexpectedly impacted by changes introduced later. This is similar to the price-lock concept in the pricing page.
Please note that it is possible to convert a project to CashFlow with one of those four conditions already met. In that case, the project adopts its configuration at the time of conversion, and those configurations are automatically locked.
But what if I want the new configuration to apply?
If the project is not yet sold AND none of the 4 conditions above are met: Recalculate and it will apply!
If the project is already sold OR one of the conditions above are met: You will need to remove the condition (e.g., remove the sold payment option indication), then recalculate the project.
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