Designing an east/west oriented system


5 opmerkingen

  • Ted Monhollon

    Also would like to know.

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  • Adrian Gordan

    Yes. currently i have to use one row orietned to east and the other one to the west and get them next to each other. takes a  lot of time. would be good to have it native. 

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  • Mathias Halen

    This is something we in Sweden are also searching for. It would be great to be able to design east/west systems on flat roofs. Ideally, you could also set distances between the sections.

    Of course, you should also be able to choose the orientation of the panels, naturally.

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  • jerry

    We need the same in Germany.

    We design this 10 times a week and we design it in PV-Sol... :-(

    But it would be greater in Opensolar :-) <3

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  • jerry

    I do it in two steps.

    first row east 10°

    second row = the same and rotate 180° = west


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