Once the UMA Solar Thermal exhibit is enabled within an OpenSolar account, you are able to quote and build Solar Thermal proposals.
To build a project on OpenSolar, enter the project address on the OpenSolar Home page
If the site within the white checkered box is correct, press the yellow Create Project button
On the Info page of the project, you can enter in the customer’s contact information (first name, last name, phone number and email)
Moving to the Design tab, you are able to measure the square footage of the pool. To do this, you will select the Advanced dropdown then Roof. Once selected, you are able to outline the pool. Once the outline is complete, the area will populate in the white tool box.
To place panels on your site, you will first select the Panel tab on the white tool box then select which module you would like to quote by clicking on the module code. (Please note that you are able to set a default module in the Control Zone) Next, you will select the yellow + Panels button. Once pressed, you are then able to place panels by either clicking and dragging or individually clicking the panels across the roof face.
After placing your panels, you are then able to move into the Others tab and press the + Components button to add any additional components onto your project.
Next, on the Pricing tab where you have the ability to manually input your pricing as a fixed dollar amount or a dollar per watt or you can set up your pricing schemes in the Control zone to auto apply pricing for new projects that are created.
Moving into the Payments tab, you are able to add in any additional payment options other than cash if options are offered.
Once the design is fully complete, moving into the Online Proposal, your client is able to interact with the proposal. If the client would like to move forward, the client is able to sign the contract directly through the OpenSolar platform by selecting the Review Proposal button.
To send the proposal to the client, select the Send Proposal to Customer button. Once selected, your team has the ability to send the proposal as an email or enable link sharing and share the proposal via a link or a QR code.
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