This article talks about the Victorian Solar Homes Program and is in continuation of How to Set Up Incentives. Please visit the previous article if you want to see the types of incentives available and how to set them up. This article guides you through:
- How to configure the Victorian Solar Home Program incentives in the Control zone of the app and then
- How to apply these to a project in the Studio zone for that particular project.
The Victorian Government gives up to $1,000 rebates available on eligible heat pumps and hot water systems. For more information, please visit Solar Victoria's website.
Configuring the Solar Victoria Hot Water Rebate
Navigate to Control > Other > Incentives - From here, you will be taken to a list of your current incentives.
Note: For existing users - Do not modify your current Solar Victoria Hot Water Rebate because it will affect your old/existing projects. You should be duplicating or creating a new one instead - then name it as e.g. Victoria Solar Battery Loan 2023-24.
Title: Set the incentive title as "Victorian Solar Hot Water Rebate". This will take you into the incentive setting, where you can specify the following fields:
- Description: Set a description for the incentive, which would be visible to the customer on the proposal. It could be as simple as a line saying, "Up to $1,000 Hot Water Rebate provided by the Victorian Government".
- Incentive type: Set it as a Price Based Incentive.
- Price-based incentive type: Set the type as Price Payable Including Tax.
- Percentage of Price(%): As the incentive is 100% of the price payable, set it to 100.
- Incentive Paid to: Select Installer from the drop-down menu. This affects how the incentive would be applied to the cost of the system and how it appears on the proposal.
- Cap amount ($): Set the cap amount to $1,000.
Incentive List Page
Individual Incentive Page
Applying the Victorian Solar Homes Incentives to a Project
Once you have configured the above incentives in your account, you can proceed to the Design tab for a specific project where you wish to apply the incentive.
Once the designing of the system is complete, perform the following steps in the exact same order (as the order in which the incentives are applied is important)
- Go to the Incentives tab in the left sidebar in the design zone.
- Click on Override Default Incentives
- Select the following incentives in the same order:
- STC Point of Sale Discount
- Victorian Solar Home Rebate (if the customer is eligible and applying for the rebate)
- Victorian Solar Home Loan (if the customer is eligible and applying for the loan)
- Victorian Solar Battery Interest-Free Loan (if the customer is eligible and applying for the loan)
- Victorian Hot Water Rebate (if the customer is eligible and applying for the rebate)
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