When accepting cash payment from your customer, you might want to allow them to pay the balance over several milestones or stages. This article will show you how to set up these various payment stages so they display clearly on your proposal and signature area.
First, go to control > pricing & payments > payment options. Edit your cash payment type that you would like to set these milestones for. Then switch on the toggle for "payment milestones"
You will notice that it requires you to insert a deposit, so make sure you have set this first (just above):
You can then proceed to create the various milestones by giving them titles, descriptions, and amounts (either % amounts or setting a minimum/maximum). Note: the first milestone is automatically set as the deposit amount (hence why it is greyed out). You can add additional milestones or set the remaining balance for existing milestones by pressing:
Here is an example of how it could be set up:
There is also a toggle beneath that lets you show this milestone breakdown with the quotation table (it is switched on automatically):
Remember to hit save and then you can apply this payment option to one of your projects. In the proposal it will look like this (for the example I created above):
This table will also be displayed within the accept proposal & pay deposit box when your customer goes to sign.
You can also include this payment milestone table in your contract. To do this, go to control > purchase experience > contract template > edit your contract template and insert the placeholder called "Cash Payment Milestone"
1 comment
Can you toggle between payment breakouts? and where would this be done from?
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