Within text-editing areas of OpenSolar (proposal templates, custom emails, etc.) you can include placeholders that will pull project-specific information. Select the (x) box to see all available placeholders.
You can easily search for a specific placeholder, or scroll through the entire list. Simply click on the placeholder you'd like to include, and the specific project information will be pulled when you generate emails and documents.
This remainder of this article outlines what each placeholder name refers to.
Assigned Team Member = Assigned User/Salesperson Information
When you make a project, you can assign a user/salesperson to the project in the Project > Manage tab.
These variables will draw on the information specific to that user. For information on how to assign a user to a project see this Article and for information on how to update an assigned user's details see this Article.
- Assigned Team Member Full Name = Assigned User's first + last name
- Assigned Team Member Family Name = Assigned User's last name
- Assigned Team Member First Name = Assigned User's first name
- Assigned Team Member Email = Assigned User's email address
- Assigned Team Member Phone = Assigned User's phone number
- Assigned Team Member Job Title = Assigned User's occupation
Contact = Client Information
These placeholders are related to the information that is provided in the Project > Info tab of a project for the customer. For information on creating and assigning customers please see this Article.
- Contact Full Name = client's first + last name
- Contact First Name = client's first name
- Contact Family Name = client's last name
- Contact Email = client's email address
- Contact Phone = client's phone number
Business = Business Information
These placeholders are related to all of the information that is about your organization. For more information regarding how to update this information please see this Article. For how to update your business's name and country see this Article.
- Business About Content = All of the text and imagery that your have written into the About Us text box within the Business Details section of Control.
- Business Address = the address set for your business in Business Details
- Business Company Email = the email set for your business in Business Details
- Business Company Website = the website set for your business in Business Details
- Business Country Iso2 = a two-letter code which represents your business' country (eg Australia = AU)
- Business Country Name = the country set for your business in Business Details
- Business Id = a unique identifier which is given to each business that uses OpenSolar
- Business Locality = the locality set for your business in Business Details
- Business Name = the name that you set for your business in Business Details
- Business Sales Phone Number = the phone number that is set for your business in Business Details
- Business State = the state set for your business in Business Details
- Business Zip = the zip set for your business in Business Details
Project = Project Information
These placeholders refer to the information that is related specifically to the project that the placeholders are being used for.
- Project Address = the address at which the project was made
- Project Valid Until Date = this is the date which the project is valid until and will dynamically updated based on both the "Default Proposal Validity (days)" which is set in the proposal template and also the date that project was created. It can also be edited on the projects page for the particular project.
- Project Contract Date = this is simply a field which can be set in the projects page.
- Project Created Date = the date that the project was created on OpenSolar
- Project Id = a unique number that is assigned to every project created on OpenSolar
- Project Identifier = a unique code that is assigned to every project created on OpenSolar
- Project Installation Date = this is simply a field which can be set in the projects page.
- Project Lat = the latitude of the project
- Project Locality= the locality/suburb of the project
- Project Lon = the longitude of the project
- Project Modified Date = the date when the project information was last updated on OpenSolar
- Project Energy Usage Annual (kWh) = The total amount of energy that is assumed to be used by the building which the panels are used on.
- Project Utility Tariff Name = The name of the current utility tariff that is set on the project page
- Project State = the state in which the project is set
- Project Zip = the zip-code/post-code set to the project
- Project Assigned User Name = the assigned user's full name (edit user's details in this Article)
- Project Assigned Installer Name = the assigned installer's full name (edit installer's details in this Article)
- Project Assigned Installer Accreditation = the accreditation provided with the installer's details (edit installer's details in this Article)
- Project Wind Region = the wind region is a code which defines the typical wind speed in an area. This placeholder simply draws on the input made in the Wind Region section in the project page.
- Site Notes = this will insert the content which is entered in the site notes field in the projects page
- Site Number of Phases = this will insert the number of phases that is entered in the projects page
- Site Number of Stories = this will insert the number of stories that is entered in the projects page
- Site Meter Identifier = this will insert the NMI entered in the projects page
- Site Roof Type = this will insert the roof type entered in the projects page
- 🇺🇸Mandatory Compliance Message = this is a US only placeholder which will insert the mandatory compliance message for California if the project is located in California.
System = Information regarding the selected system
These placeholders draw on information from the selected system
- System Name = The name which has been set for the selected system. If no name has been set then it will be: "X Solar Panels System", where X is the number of panels used in the system.
- System Battery Manufacturer = the name of the manufacturer of the battery within the selected system
- System Battery Codes = the codes associated with the battery within the selected system.
- System Battery Quantity = the total number of batteries that are used in the system.
- System Battery Total kWh = the total amount of kWh available from batteries in a system.
- System Inverter Quantity = the number of inverters in the selected system
- System Inverter Manufacturer = the inverters manufacturer
- System Inverter Codes = the codes of the inverters that are being used in the selected system
- System Inverter Total Rating kW = the total rating of the inverters
- System Panel Orientations = this is a summary of the panel orientations and slopes in order to comply with the CEC retailers code of conduct.
- System Total Losses = this gives a figure for the total losses in the system based on the system options including inverter, optimiser and shading
- System Inverter Losses = this gives a figure for the losses caused by the inverter in the system
- System Optimiser Losses = this gives a figure for the losses in the system based on the optimiser efficiency
- System Shading Losses = this gives a figure for the losses in the system based on the shading
- System Output Calculator = a placeholder for the output calculator which is currently PVWatts 6
- System Performance Adjustment = shows the performance adjustment which is set in Presets
- System Output Calculation Notes = a short excerpt given about the System total losses, inverter losses, shading losses and the output calculator
- System Annual PBI ($) = the annual amount in $ from performance based incentives
- System Annual Feed-In Tariff Inflation (%) = the assumed feed-in tariff inflation set in Presets
- System Net Present Value = this is the calculated value for the Net Present Value of the system considering all savings and costs associated with the system
- System Payback Year = the year in which the system will be paid back based on initial investment and savings/revenue
- System Discounted Payback Year = the year in which the system will be paid back considering the discount rate assumed in Presets
- System Total Return on Investment (%) = this is a % figure given which represents the total return on investment.
- System IRR (%) = a percentage figure which represents the internal rate of return, a key financial figure for investments.
- System Levelized Cost of Energy ($) = this takes into account the total costs and total energy generated in order to calculate the cost of energy for the system.
- System Financial Discount Rate (%) = a % figure used in the financial calculations to represent the changing value of money over time, configured in Presets
- System Other Component Codes = the components codes for all of the other components in a system.
- System Component Warranties = the warranties associated with each of the components used in the system.
- System Price Adders Fixed ($) = the amount entered into the "Price Adders Fixed" section in Studio.
- System Price Adders Per Panel ($) = the amount entered into the "Price Adders Per Panel" section in Studio.
- System Price Adders Per Watt ($) = the amount entered into the "Price Adders Per Watt" section in Studio.
- System Bill Frequency = the frequency with which payments will be made if
- System Annual Feed In Tariff ($) = Amount of money made in the first year from FiT
- System Annual LGC = amount of money made in the first year from LGCs
- System Years to Simulate Financials = the number of years that a system will simulate for, set in Project configuration
- System Annual Utility Inflation (%) = The utility inflation value in %, set in project configuration
- System Consumption Offset Percentage (%) = the ratio between generation and usage, expressed as a %
- System Consumption Annual (kWh) = the annual usage of electricity
- System DC Optimiser Efficiency (%) = the value given for a DC optimiser
- System Discount ($) = the amount of money entered as a discount in studio
- System Down Payment ($) = the down payment which is configured in payment options
- System Environmentals Car Miles Avoided - the amount of energy generated by solar expressed as the number of miles avoided being driven
- System Environmentals CO2 Tons Avoided - the amount of energy generated by solar expressed as tons of CO2 avoided
- System Environmentals Flights Avoided - the amount of energy generated by solar expressed as number of flights avoided
- System Environmentals Trees Planted - the amount of energy generated by solar expressed as number of trees planted
- System Incentive to Customer ($) - the amount of incentive to customer, entered in studio
- System Incentive To Installer ($) - the amount of incentive to installer, combination of number entered in studio and STCs/LGCs
- System Modules Quantity - the number of modules in the selected system
- System Data (Proposed or Existing) = this variable will either produce "Existing" or "Proposed" based on whether or not the selected system is a system upgrade or not.
- System Size STC (kW) = the size of the system in kW at Standard Testing Conditions (STC)
- System Data Module Code = the code that is entered for the module, eg LG330N1C-A5
- System Module Description = the description that is entered for the module when it is created
- System Module Size STC (kW) = the size of the module in kW at Standard Testing Conditions (STC)
- System Module Size STC (Watt) = = the size of the module in W at Standard Testing Conditions (STC)
- System Module Manufacturer = the manufacturer of the module
- System Data Module Width (mm) = the width of the module in millimeters
- System Data Module Height (mm) = the height of the module in millimeters
- System Output Annual (kWh) = the annual output of the system in kWh
- System Pricing Adders = the amount of pricing adders, applied in Studio
- System Battery Price = the price set for the battery
- System Incentive To Customer Total = the total incentive to customer
- System Incentive To Installer STC = the incentive to the installer only from STCs
- System Incentive to Installer Total = the total incentive to the installer
- System Net System Price After All Incentives = the net system price after all incentives
- System Price Including Tax = the system price including tax
- System Price After Incentive To Installer = the system price after only incentive to installer
- System Price Excluding Tax = the system price excluding tax
- System Price Tax = the amount of tax included
- System Summary = gives a summary of the system size and the number + type of modules and inverters.
- System Module Efficiency = the STC kW of the panel divided by its area in kW/m^2
- System Utility Current Monthly Cost ($) = the current monthly utility bill amount
- System Utility Proposed Monthly Cost ($) = the proposed monthly utility bill amount
Owner's Manual Snippets
- Embed System Image = inserts an image of the system image included within the viewport in Design
- Embed List of Equipment Table = insert the table of the equipment used in the selected system.
- Embed System Performance Estimate = insert a breakdown of the system performance including: daily and annual generation and a month by month table of the daily generation.
- Embed Log Book Default Images = insert the default image for log book
- Embed Maintenance Schedule Default Image = insert the default image for maintenance schedule.
- Embed Wind Regions Default Image = insert the default wind regions image.
- Embed Important Symbols = insert the default image for important symbols.
- Embed Equipment Documentation = insert the file which is uploaded for equipment documentation
- Embed Connection Diagram = insert the file which is uploaded for connection diagram
- Embed Array Mounting Certificate = insert the file which is uploaded for array mounting certificate
- Embed Pre-Commissioning Test = insert the file which is uploaded for pre-commissioning test
- Embed Test and Commission = insert the file which is uploaded for test and commission
- Embed Installation Photographs = insert the file which is uploaded for installation photographs
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