This article is in the Control zone of the app.
You are able to set up and customize the terms of any payment option (e.g. Cash) in the Control zone of OpenSolar (Control > Pricing & Payments > Payment Options).
The cash payment option is for when the customer would like to pay the entire purchase price upfront. This will be reflected in the financial calculations that are shown in the proposal.
1. Give your payment option a title. (Note: This is how your payment option will appear in the proposal)
2. In the Payment Type drop down, select Cash.
3. Give your payment option a short description.
4. You can toggle Collect Signature at Checkout to collect the customer's signature at checkout. (Note: this will not appear if you have not got Customer-Checkout Enabled.
5. Input Deposit Percentage which is how much the customer should pay upfront, as a percentage of the total price of the system.
6. You can then set the minimum and maximum amount which should be deposited (this is optional).
7. Select whether you would like to enable Auto-Apply for this option and fill out the details for this.
8. Use the text-editor to enter in the Terms and Conditions which are specific to this payment option and will only be displayed when this option is selected.
9. Click the button to finish creating this payment option.
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