This article relates to the Project zone > Info tab of the app.
First, you will need to navigate to the Project zone and select the Project you will be editing.
Select the Info tab and scroll down to the Installation section.
Note: If you have not designed systems for a project then the Owner's Manual and Compliance documents will not be available.
From here you can update:
- The Assigned Installer by clicking on the option and selecting an installer from the drop-down of your team members (See How to set up Team Members if you haven't yet).
- The Installed System by clicking on the option and selecting which system is the one that was installed.
- The Serial Numbers for the Modules/Inverters/Batteries by simply entering them into the respective sections.
To gather permit and compliance information, scroll down to the next section
You will need to select the installed system in the section above and refresh the page before you can see the compliance documents that we provide you.
You will also have the capability to fully customize your Owner's Manual Template within the Control section of the App. See How to Customise Your Owner's Manual Template
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