OpenSolar Release Notes – Mid April 2020
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Control Restructure
- Improved UI/UX for control page to show more information and relevant links to help centre articles.
- Restructured content for easier navigation.
- Ability to create multiple Terms & Conditions/Contracts.
- 🇺🇸Added default contract template for new US accounts.
- Divided Presets into
- Cost Information
- Setbacks & Design Settings
- Ability to create multiple Terms & Conditions/Contracts.
Loan Payment Option
- Updated simple loan option to include prepayments and promotional period.
- Included dealer fee in total system price in the quotation table.
Note: All new loan payment options should use the standard “Loan” type, which now supports prepayments, dealer fees, and other options. Existing Advanced Loan payment options are retained but new payment options cannot use the advanced loan type.
Quotation Table Configuration
- Ability to reorder quotation table line items for each payment option.
- Update the line item and description text.
- Add remove line items from the quotation table.
- Added new tariffs to the database.
- 🇺🇸 Improved tariff search functionality
- Introduction of tariff rate name aliases
- Introduction of utility name aliases
- 🇺🇸Improved default tariff guess if user has not selected tariff rate
- Using zip/state/country/popularity matching
- Tracking of default post-solar tariff rates (automatically transitions customer to a default solar tariff rate if they aren't current on one)
- Improvements for bill calculations:
- Enable multiple demand and feed-in items
Olark Chat Integration (Beta)
- Added live chat integration using Olark.
Scheduling Tool for MyEnergy
- Ability for Solar Pro to include a calendar booking button for customers in MyEnergy.
SunWiz Update
- Updated support dialog to include SunWiz support content.
- Create tickets directly with SunWiz from OpenSolar for premium support.
- Ability for solar pro to generate SunWiz proposals from MyEnergy.
- Updated support dialog to include Nearmap content.
- Email notification to assigned team member when a lead is generated through Lead Capture Form.
- Update proposal graphs to simulate based on the maximum simulation period of all the systems.
- Ability to expand contract/terms & conditions to full page view when accepting a proposal on MyEnergy.
- Update Victoria default incentive value to $1,888 for new Australian accounts.
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