OpenSolar Release Notes - Early March 2020
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Solar Quotes/Proposals
- Added in-depth monthly savings and annual financial tables.
- Ability to move extra files attachment section in MyEnergy.
- Added hover functionality to view axis data in MyEnergy graphs.
- Ability to hide total system price or show price per watt calculations in the quotation table.
- Ability to add up to 3 generic blocks in MyEnergy.
- Rich text editor with ability to use placeholders, embed videos or add images.
- Ability to move the custom sections anywhere in the proposal.
🇦🇺 Solar Outlet Integration
- Ability to automatically generate a Solar Outlet cart based on a sold system.
- Directly search the Solar Outlet database and add components to your cart.
- Submit the cart and complete your order on Solar Outlet.
- View status of all previous submitted orders on openSolar.
🇦🇺 SunWiz on OpenSolar
- Ability to customise and generate fully tailored proposals through integration with SunWiz proposal generator.
- 🇺🇸Natron optimisation.
- Filter by zip in projects list.
- Ability to remove cost and margin table from Studio for non-admins.
- Added description field to tariff and relevant placeholder to display it in proposal.
- Remove the ability for non-admins to select components from master database in Studio and create private tariffs from the project page.
- Added Kliplock option in roof-types.
- Sort team member names alphabetically.
- Added more error messages in Studio.
- Added comma separation to currency amount throughout the proposals.
- Ability to auto-apply case studies.
- Capped customer viewed proposal email to 5.
- Assign project and customer contact when creating a new activity task.
- Added link to schedule 1-1 from the app.
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