OpenSolar Release Notes - Mid May 2019
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Lock Pricing & Incentive Calculations
- Lock pricing & incentives calculations when project moves past the Design stage to prevent accidental changes to pricing during/after sale. Option to temporarily override locked pricing is available in Studio. Other calculations (savings/financials) continue to update at all stages.
Checkout functionality for Customers.
- Accept Solar Proposals and pay deposit directly using Credit/Debit cards (Stripe Integration) or offline.
Faster manual stringing.
- Select first and last panel to automatically string all the panels in between.
Ability to restrict access to projects.
- Default projects access can be set to “Restricted” or “Unrestricted” and access can also be set for individual projects.
- Only users who are assigned to a project can access a restricted project. Organisation admins can access all projects.
Other Updates
- Separate section for Owner’s manual in Control page
- Itemised Component list in quotation with Manufacturer name and code.
- Attach extra files and equipment documents to sales proposal PDF.
- Clearer labelling and error messages throughout the platform.
- View full details of public tariffs.
- Bug fixes and design enhancements.
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