Release Notes - OS 2.25.1
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Shop Updates
Segen (UK only) Revamped the Segen Checkout which includes:-
- Correcting the Segen credit alignment on smaller screen sizes.
- Updated the order summary on both the shopping cart and checkout pages for a clearer breakdown and more detailed information.
- Improved the post-checkout process so that pros are now redirected directly to the Segen portal after placing an order.
- Fixed the 500 error encountered during Segen address validation.
- Reordered sections in the checkout process; pros now select the delivery option before reviewing selected items.
- Enhanced the Review Items table UI for greater clarity and ease of use.
- Introduced new in-app notifications to inform pros that:
- A quote has been created with Segen, and the 30-day price lock is enabled.
- Details on what to expect after placing an order.
- Added the ability to link an order to a project, even if it was not placed through the Order By Project flow.
- Changed the "Manufacturer" label to "Brand" for consistency across the hardware shopping experience.
- Standardised the new roof type dropdown on the Design page to match other dropdowns across the app.
- Fixed multiple issues with the order linking feature in the incoming purchase order modal, ensuring it now updates correctly.
- Corrected the behavior of custom roles on the component selector, preventing roles like contractor and designer from selecting non-MyList components.
- Updated currency across the entire app for Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Guinea-Bissau, Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Benin.
- Allowed users to place east-west (dual-tilt) panels in design.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where image missing from shade report
- Resolved the issue in the Online Proposal where the first system option was not visible when scrolling down.
- Resolved the issue where the Download BOM button was not visible on the new Manage page.
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