Release Notes - OS 2.23.0
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Hardware Updates
- Fixed the bug where the weight of the racking was not passed through into MCS calculations, and MCS required an integer for fixing diameter.
- Fixed the bug in the Segen checkout experience where the credit limit is not rounding up to 2 decimal places
- Fixed the bug where users were not prompted to save their project when clicking the cart button.
- Improvements in address input for HDM users in their checkout experience.
- New Project UI (Private Beta): All new Project Management experience, combining the Manage and Info pages (accessible to beta users).
- Rebranding exhibit to showcase in OpenSolar app and other cleanup related to partner org setup (Partners Only).
- Document Management - improved document management functionality enabling pros to manage their project documentation more effectively
- Parker Lane rate changed from 5.54% to 5.99% [AU Only].
- Updates made to dividend credit app [US Only]
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issues related to the Utility API.
- Fixed spacing bug when laying out panels on tilt racks.
- Fixed permission error encountered when viewing a Shared Proposal in the Teams feature.
- Resolved the issue where "Welcome to myenergy" appeared on the online proposal when the "Show customer" toggle was off.
- Fixed the issues in Project Workflows.
- Fixed to OS Lite report generation issue where panels were moving in the imagery upon generating.
- Fixed the Currency errors in proposals.
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